Saturday 18 January 2014

Are we ready for the emergence of Club-kid style?

So Club Kid style seems to be creeping back into the scene…. its no wonder, the society we live in today (sorry had to stick in that cheesy old moan from a 25 year old 90′s kid – so cliché) anyhow less of the politics. yawn yawn.
I’m a Sociology graduate, so I am a youth subculture obsessed geek.
So the club-kid movement originated from New York City in the late 80s, early 90s, heavily induced by drugs…..STOP. Im not really going to bore you on the social historical development of this particular movement.
I just want to talk FASHION.
Basically, think Punk, Glam-rock, Clowns, Andy Warhol, Marilyn Manson or Marilyn Monroe (take your pick ladies or gents – mix it up) Lady Gaga… USE YOUR BODY TO SELF EXPRESS IN ANYWAY POSSIBLE and there you go you’ve got your very own pot of ‘CLUB-KID’.

Remember the TV Series ‘The Tribe’ – Post apocalyptic rebellious 90′s kids scraping their minimal resources for fashion from the debris that remained. Well yes they used the scraps they had scrummaged from the mall as there only means of individual self-expression.
Face Paint
Rags for clothes
Bindi’s (how they managed to find these in debris I don’t know)
Bright multi-colour hair-dye
Choker Necklaces
Lots of latex
Mad contact lenses
Fur…. see whatever you can manage to find.
I love this trend - it allows you to just whatever the feck you want with your clothes and when you have a wardrobe like mine full of outrageous patterns that never match this style could be the answer.
Here is some of our Club-kid inspired pieces available at

Now go embrace /// and take it to the PHATTEST party in town.

Check out Asos Marketplace’s Trend Guide for ‘Club- Kid' here:

Check out our own pinterest board dedicated to 'Club-Kid' style:

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